Atlanta Seminar Sunday, September 8, 9 AM - 5 PM
Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway 2020 Convention Center Concourse Atlanta, Georgia 30337 Dr Michael Lebowitz Dr Noah Lebowitz This class teaches an effective, easy, and fast way to "diagnose" and treat dysbiosis (fungal, bacterial, parasitic, viral, Lyme), food reactions, lectin sensitivities, metal and chemical toxicity/sensitivity, coagulation issues, organ dysfunction, EMF issues, and much more. It is well suited to both the newcomer to the Lebowitz protocol as well as physicians who have been following Dr. Lebowitz's work for many years. Dr. Michael Lebowitz (developer of the protocol) is a prolific writer, having authored 4 books, over 60 articles, and a free monthly newsletter for over 20 years (you can subscribe and read back issues on this site). He attracts patients from around the globe and treats many professional athletes (MLB, NHL, NFL, cyclists, runners, boxers, ballet, etc.), entertainers, as well as many physicians, and everyone else. When treating and correcting dysbiosis (fungus, parasites, bacteria, virus, etc.), food sensitivities, toxic metals and chemicals, nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, structural imbalances, and more, he has found that a majority of chronic and acute symptoms often resolve and the patient is restored to a better state of health. He practices on Maui. Dr. Noah Lebowitz has been teaching with his father and on his own the last 6 years. He has a practice on Maui, Hawaii and specializes in patients with chronic illness. He has also treated many professional athletes including NHL, MLB, PGA, etc. players. He routinely has patients flying in from out of state, and has made house calls across the USA and to other countries. The hotel is the Atlanta Airport Marriott Gateway -COST for seminar $299 (students enrolled in DC or ND school are $175 upon sending us a copy of your student ID).